Saturday, January 22, 2011

Black Sheep.

   If this blog were to be done in a group, I would be the black sheep. I'm sorry that I left this blog not having anything since the Dinosaurs were still alive.  My quota has been exceeded so my broadband is as fast as an upside down sloth. I promise to non-sexually abuse your dashboard after I get my normal connection speed back and I even found the connector to my tripod (the actual tripod, rather than my little brothers ) back so do expect more shameful pictures of me and maybe outfit posts too, yay.
   Anyways, my life has been okay, I guess. It is anything but a linear graph as it goes up and down but nowadays it's always the bad side. Companies and friends have been making things better though, hehe.

Oh, don't forget to check out my 365 too since I update there like literally everyday !

Saturday, January 1, 2011

365 photo project.

Yup, I'm jumping into that bandwagon too. I know it needs too much work but hey, it seems fun enough to cover up all those needs.

So yeah, here's the link.