Sunday, July 31, 2011

5 Years As A Shah Nadhir.

 I'm sorry for the horrible lack of sleeping-pills-imitating posts for these few months. I have been super busy with everything from copying schoolwork from a classmate to whining about a paralleled line of acnes but I will make a collage or something later on as a blogpost or whatever about that. Anyways, it's the first of August which means it's the first day of Ramadhan this year ! I may not be the brightest muslim you will ever bump to but still, happy fasting to you guys ! and it's also my birthday today and I decided to work on something for the blog, and yeah here's a little time warping session on how I was from the 13yo me to today's me. Or, at least these are how I thought I was. I hope you guys have fun reading.






      I guess that is all, hope you guys liked it and yeah, I haven't done this kind of meme/whatever for a very long time. Feels nice to get back to the artsy fartsy roots. Anyways, I want to say thank you to those who had wished for me on facebook/twitter/whatever,  and to my awesome classmates for the cute card. Till then, thank you for reading again and happy fasting !