Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 5: Five things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.

Opposite sex:-
1. I hate how some of you guys have such a hard time to decide on things, even simple things.
2. The whole PMS thing and the whole 'don't get on my nerves, it's that time of the month' excuses.
3. When you guys spazz about K-POP and here I am trying to not join. MUST. REFRAIN.
4. When you guys start to think that leggings can start replacing your pants. just, no.
5. Those unpredictable reactions on little, unspoken sexual stuffs. Awkward.

Same sex:-
1.When you start hunting girls like a hamster on a mating season.
2. How we are always horny. All the freaking time. .__.
3. When jacking off to a lesbian porn is okay but having a gay friend is an abomination. lolwut ?
4. When you start leaving and ignoring your best friends for girls and MILFS.
5. When you guys start to think that hating on Justin Bieber is 'oh-so cool' and original. Eh.

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