Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 2:How have you changed in the past two years ?

  I have changed a lot in the past two years. I was much more immature and a bit of a daredevil when it comes to things. I didn't really look at school as something so important as I do now and as an asshole as this would sound, I guess I have academically budge forth way more compare to before. And friends, well I guess I'm more of a person who actually cares a lot about my friends now and I try to be more as a friend nowadays compare to before.

 I'm also much more comfortable with myself and I do understand about how my life is right now rather than before. It was much more about peer pressures and denying on who I am before but now it's more about me trying my best to show people what they like and well, hide out what they don't like. But still, at least know I can accept myself and I guess I can say that I have a totally different view on stuffs that may seem like just another sushi to be avoided on a sushi bar visit ( I hate sushis) if I was to think about it years ago.